| Chanukah - 10:00am Sisterhood Drop-In Mah Jongg
| Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Tevet | Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Tevet - 9:00am Morning Minyan (Federal Holiday)
- 5:30pm Gesher, Teens & Juliet
| | | Vayigash - 9:45am Gold Kippah Honor Society & Shabbuddies
- 10:15am Family Minyan
- 10:45am Tot Shabbat
- 5:24pm Havdalah
- 9:00am Aleph Isn’t Tough with Yuval Ifrah, Congregational Shlicha
- 9:05am Kehillah and Conversation with Rabbi Cheryl Stone
- 12:30pm Tallit Workshop
- 12:30pm Machar Slime Lab
| - 10:00am Sisterhood Drop-In Mah Jongg
- 12:30pm The Torah & Beyond: Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Jonathan Schnitzer
- 7:00pm Monday Night at the Movies: Bigger
| - 11:00am B’nai Israel Book Discussion Group: Like No Other by Una LaMarche
- 12:30pm Talmud on Tuesdays with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: For anyone Jewish, Jew-ish or Jew-curious!
| - 12:00pm Hazak - Beyond Greening: American Jewish Responses to the Climate Emergency with Lawrence MacDonald
- 7:30pm B’nai Israel Young Professionals - New Year New Skill!
- 7:30pm Estate Planning with Lawrence Wachtel
| Fast of Tevet - 4:47pm Candle Lighting
- 6:00pm 2s Shabbat Service and Dinner
- 6:15pm Cantor Josh and Friends Shabbat Service and Celebration
| Vayechi - 9:00am Shabbat Morning Torah Study
- 9:45am Gold Kippah Honor Society & Shabbuddies
- 10:15am Family Minyan
- 10:30am Teen Minyan
- 10:45am Tot Shabbat
- 5:31pm Havdalah
- 8:00pm Comedy Night
- 9:00am Fifth Grade B’nai Mitzvah Meeting
- 9:00am Aleph Isn’t Tough with Yuval Ifrah, Congregational Shlicha
- 7:00pm L.I.F.E. Lecture - Film Screening of “The Levys of Monticello”
| - 10:00am Sisterhood Drop-In Mah Jongg
| - 12:30pm Talmud on Tuesdays with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 12:00pm Mifgash: Virtual Women’s Group with Rabbi Cheryl Stone
- 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: For anyone Jewish, Jew-ish or Jew-curious!
| | | Shemot - 9:00am Social Action Shabbat
- 10:00am Conscious Connections Contemplative Shabbat with Rabbi Cheryl Stone
- 10:45am Tot Shabbat
- 5:38pm Havdalah
| - 9:00am Morning Minyan (Federal Holiday)
- 10:00am B’nai Israel’s Habitat for Humanity Playhouse Build Team
| - 12:30pm Talmud on Tuesdays with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
- 7:30pm Israel Affairs Committee Meeting
| - 7:00pm Voices of Israel with Tali Arnolf Wohlgemuth, Senior Shlicha at the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: For anyone Jewish, Jew-ish or Jew-curious!
| | | Shabbat Mevarchim Vaera - 9:00am Teen Shabbat
- 9:00am Shabbat Morning Torah Study
- 9:45am Gold Kippah Honor Society & Shabbuddies
- 10:15am Family Minyan
- 10:30am Mini Minyan (Grades K-2)
- 10:45am Tot Shabbat
- 5:46pm Havdalah
- 6:15pm Havdalah Have-Deli
- 9:00am Holocaust Museum Visit
- 9:00am Aleph Isn’t Tough with Yuval Ifrah, Congregational Shlicha
- 9:00am One Happy Camper Informational Breakfast for Parents
- 10:30am 5th-7th Grade B’nai Mitzvah Parents’ Field Guide
- 12:30pm Bonim Pizza Making
| - 10:00am Sisterhood Drop-In Mah Jongg
| - 12:30pm Talmud on Tuesdays with Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
| - 7:30pm Introduction to Judaism: For anyone Jewish, Jew-ish or Jew-curious!
| | | Bo - 9:45am Gold Kippah Honor Society & Shabbuddies
- 10:15am Family Minyan
- 10:45am Tot Shabbat
- 5:54pm Havdalah